This site has UNICODE encoded Bangla texts. If you are unable to view the Bangla contents or having any
dificulty reading the texts, try the following in order:
In your browser, set the Encoding to utf-8. For Internet Explorer this is found in View->Encoding menu. In Firefox, you would find View->Character Encoding. If this enables you to view the pages propely, you are done.dificulty reading the texts, try the following in order:
If setup 1 does not solve the problem, you need to have "Indic Language Support" installed on your computer. Depending on the operating system of your computer the steps for installing the Indic Language support can be different. Some tutorials are available: Windows 200, XP SP1 and XP SP2. For Linux and MacOS similar procedure is involved. You may need to restart your computer after installing the support package.
After step 2, you should see the web pages but may be with a small font size. If this the case, then you need a good Bangla Unicode font. We have used AponaLohit font, developed by, which can be downloaded from here.
After downloading and installing the fonts, you need to set your preferred font in the Browser settings. For IE, this is Tools->Internet Options, Fonts button in General Tab. From the dialog box, select Bengali as the language and the Font of your choice. For Firefox, go to Tools->Options, then Advanced button in Content tab. Choose language, preferred font and encoding (utf-8).
[Modified and published with consent from]
Click Here for more help
*To download more bangla fonts [Click Here]
Bangla Font related important download links (free):
Avro Bangla input system: Ver 3.1 [Download]
Ekushey Keyboard system: [Download]
Shabdik Light: Ver 4.5.1 [Download]
Bangla Unicode font installer: [Download]
click here to install effective software